Here are some common ordnances and other questions.

Article 15



It is the intent and purpose of this section to assure to occupants of all properties adequate light and air adjacent to structures and in yard areas: effective and desirable sight distance from the front of all structures in all direction: the right to provide for their own privacy within their properties: to protect plantings from damage by trespass: and to prevent such construction related thereto as would be hazardous.      


Fences and wall shall be permitted, subject to the following conditions:

A.       Permits Required:

1.       It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, or cause to be constructed, any wall or fence upon any property within the Village of Hopkins without first having obtained a permit therefore.   

2.       Any Person desiring to construct, or cause to be constructed, a wall or fence shall first apply for a permit, for which there shall be a fee, the amount of which shall be set by resolution of the Village Council. Such permit shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator upon a written application, and shall contain such information as may be required in order to determine that such wall or fence will not violate any provision of this ordinance or State Law.


B.      Walls and fences:

Walls and fences may be erected in any yard area except that no wall or fence shall be located nearer than one foot to any drive or walkway. No wall or fence shall be constructed along the street line of a lot closer than one foot from the established sidewalk line. In front yard areas, walls and fences shall not exceed 100 feet in length in any and/ or all directions without a gate or break for access and shall not exceed four feet in height. In rear yard areas, the height shall not exceed six feet.


C.      Walls Only:

1.       Walls shall be erected on continuous footings constructed below grade in accordance with the Village building code.

         2. Any wall shall be capped with a peaked coping of sufficient pitch to discourage walking.


D.    Fences Only:

         1. Support posts of fences shall extend into the ground to a depth sufficient to support the structure.

 2. All fences in public areas such as parks, hospitals, schools, or other public areas shall be transparent,       such as chain link, but no barbed wire shall be allowed.

3.       All fences shall be erected with all fence posts and supports on the interior side.



         E.  Wall and fences in All Districts:

1.       All fences and walls shall be constructed o durable, weather-resistant, rustproof, and easily-maintained materials.

2.       Under no circumstances shall walls and fences be constructed of materials, such as but not limited to, pallets, tree trunks, trash, tires, junk, or other similar items.

3.       Wall or fence heights shall be measured from the surface of the grond immediately below the location of the fence.

4.       All walls and fences shall be of such design and location that they do not obstruct the vision of motorists on adjacent roads or the vision of pedestrians or motorists leaving the premises.

5.       Retaining walls are exempt from these provisions.

6.       Under no circumstances shall a wall or fence contain barbed wire, razor wire, spikes or electric current.



D.     Walls and fences in Residential Districts:


1.       Walls and fences not greater than six feet in height are permitted in side or rear yards and shall not extend beyond the front of the principal structure.

2.       Walls and fences not more than thirty inches in height are permitted in the front yard, if they are less than 25 percent solid.

3.       Walls and fences not more than forty eight inches in height are permitted in the front yard, if they are less than 25 percent solid.

4.       On corner lots, no wall or fence or other obstruction to vision shall be permitted within the triangular areas at the intersection of any street right-of-way line drawn between said right–of-way line drawn between said right of way lines for a distance along each line of 25 feet from their point of intersection.

5.       Fences and walls erected in the front yards of residential zoned areas shall be so constructed that they permit a reasonable passage of air through the materials utilized for said fence or wall. Solid or closed privacy walls and fences may be constructed in rear yards.


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