
July 2013

Hopkins Village Council   July 8th, 2013

CALL TO ORDER President Mary Howard called the meeting to order at 7:30P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT, Ben Brenner, Steve Stearns, Mike Alberda, Mary Swainston,  Mary Howard Vern Bellgraph Terry Weick Greg Buist Larry Switek

VISITOR Ed Riley, Mindy Genther, Dandy DeMann, Robin Ballard, Brian Ballard, Denese Medemar, Dan Fredricks Keith Norman, Rachel Sadowski, 

A motion was made by council trustee Switek and was supported by council trustee Weick to approve the agenda for the meeting of July 8th.  All Ayes

 A motion was made by council trustee Stearns and was supported by council trustee Bellgraph to approve the minutes of June 10th.  All Ayes

A motion was made by council trustee, Switek and was supported by council trustee Bellgraph to approve the bills of July 8th  All Ayes

A motion was made by council trustee Buist and was supported by council trustee Brenner to approve the financial report of June 2013.  All Ayes

Chief Sadowski gave her monthly report. She will be checking on ORV ordinances.

 Supervisor Bala was on vacation.


The station drain issue was addressed by Dan Fredricks from Land and Resource Engineering. He presented a slide show gave options for better water flow in the drain.

Ben Brenner will be the contact person for all drain issues.

There will be a meeting on the April 18th flooding issue for Emergency Management Funding. President Howard and Trustee Stearns will attend.

Election will be coming up on Aug 6th.  Clerk Alberda will put in the newspaper the final notice for the election.

Trustee Stearns reported that the Street funds are still being held until completion of the audit.

After discussion the council decided not to have a siren agreement with West Shore Services.

A motion was made by trustee Weick and supported by trustee Bellgraph to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 pm. All Ayes


June 2013

Hopkins Village Council   May 13th, 2013

CALL TO ORDER President Mary Howard called the meeting to order at 7:31P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT Terry Weick ,  Steve Stearns, Mike Alberda, Greg Buist, Mary Swainston,  Mary Howard and Vern Bellgraph

VISITOR Sherry Kuyt, Jim Bala, Bob Larr, Rachel Sadowski, Natalie Bazon

A motion was made by council trustee Weick and was supported by council trustee Buist to approve the agenda for the meeting of May 13th as amended.  All Ayes

 A motion was made by council trustee Stearns and was supported by council trustee Switek to approve the minutes of April 8th.  All Ayes

A motion was made by council trustee, Switek and was supported by council trustee Weick to approve the bills of May 13th  All Ayes

A motion was made by council trustee Stearns  and was supported by council trustee Weick to approve the financial report of April 2013. All Ayes

Police Chief Sadowski gave her report on her monthly duties. The report is filed with Commissioner Busit.

 Maintenance Supervisor Jim Bala’s gave his monthly report.
Jim presented estimates for pedestrian crossing signs and this will be given to the DDA
Jim presented estimates for street repairs and gave copies to the council.
Jim presented an estimate for the fencing repairs at the ballpark. These will be given to the DDA
Jim reported he will be replacing dust to dawn lights as needed with LED’S which will run around 178 a piece when replaced.
Insurance plans call for air mentoring in a confined space. Jim reported repair of the old monitor will be 532 and a new one for 1,077. President Howard will talk to Fire Chief McKinnon about what they use.
Jim reported the flow meter has been replaced.
The DDA approved bathroom dryers and the bill will go to the DDA.
Jim and the council discussed mowing of the parks for soccer. Council decided that only regular maintenance mowing will be done as Tru Green recommended.


Carp Fest
A motion was made by trustee Stearns and supported by trustee Bellgraph to approve the request from Cocktails to have outside serving of alcohol during the June 8th Carp Fest and the Aug 4th Golf Outing.  All Ayes
The area will be confined to a 90 by 60 foot section with 4 ft high fencing and exits only through the restaurant.

Animal Control
There are problems with loose dogs running throughout the village; it has been brought to the council’s attention. Chief Sadowski was asked to take care of this situation.

Saw Grant
Flies & Vanderbrink gave the council a grant available for a development asset management plan. The grant is a 90 -10 grant. President Howard will be checking further on the preliminary cost.
Resolution on Delinquent Taxes
Resolution No 13-006 Delinquent Village Taxes was presented to the council by Clerk Alberda. A motion was made by trustee Buist and supported by trustee Stearns to accept the resolution No 13-006 as written.  All Ayes the resolution which continues collecting delinquent taxes as we currently do will be sent to the county offices.

Budget Amendment
A motion was made by trustee Switek and supported by trustee Buist to changed budgeted item police mileage reimbursement from 1400.00 to 800.00 and change line item Police Gas/Oil from 2000.00 to 2600.00. All Ayes

Fire Truck 38 Request
A request to use the fire truck 38 on May 25th for the wedding of Alex Schut and a request to use of the truck on June 7th for the Salem Fire sponsoring the Cruise in for Kids and display the truck at the car show was presented.
A motion was made by trustee Stearns and supported by trustee Weick to allow the use of engine 38 at the wedding of Alex Schut on May 25th and the use of the truck at the car show in Burnips on June 7th. All Ayes

DDA Requests for new members
The DDA asked for the approval of Barb Bennet and Ed Riley as new members to DDA. A motion was made by trustee Stearns and supported by trustee Switek to approve new members Barb Bennet and Ed Riley to the DDA. All Ayes


Trash Removal
Current trash removal contracts have expired and Clerk Alberda checked on a better rate for trash pickup. After giving the information a motion was made by trustee Bellgraph and supported by trustee Buist to change from the current use of Waste Management to Green Valley. All Ayes.

Millage/ Election
After reviewing the information from last month’s handout for a possible election for the addition of mills more discussion was held. A motion was made by trustee Bellgraph and supported by trustee Weick to put an additional 2 mills for 10 years on the ballot this August.  Switek-yes, Weick-yes, Bellgraph-yes, Buist-yes, Stearns-yes Brenner absent.  Yes 5   No 0   Absent 1. Motion Carried.

Sewer Problem Update
A letter will be written by Clerk Alberda to send to both Ron Jones and Oak Lane Apartments in regards to the sewer line problems near the apartments. Ron Jones has offered a maintenance agreement for Oak Lane.

Employee Wage and Holiday
The personal committee gave recommendations for an updated maintenance pay scale and updated paid holidays. A motion was made by trustee Weick and supported by trustee Busit to pay Maintenance Supervisor Bala and additional amount of 1.25 per hour retroactive back to this year’s sonority date bring his pay rate to 17.50 per hour with paid holidays for both Bala and Sadowski ,Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. All Ayes

Around the Table
Buist reported that the siren has been fixed.

A motion was made by trustee Bellgraph and supported by trustee Buist to adjourn the meeting at 9.45 pm. All Ayes

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